Mj Speaks

Mark Joseph, Ph.D.
Publications and Social Commentary

Mark is the co-author of the award-winning book Integrating the Inner City: The Promise and Perils of Mixed-Income Public Housing Transformation. He is the co-editor of the volume What Works to Promote Inclusive, Equitable Mixed-Income Communities. He is also the co-host of the podcast Bending the Arc. He has published numerous scholarly articles and policy reports.

Mark Joseph, Ph.D.
Selected Scholarly Publications

Joseph, M.L. & Khare, A.T., Eds. (2020). What works to promote inclusive and equitable mixed-income communities? San Francisco, CA: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

Chaskin, R. J. and M. L. Joseph. (2015). Integrating the inner city: The promise and perils of mixed-income public housing transformation.  Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Joseph, M.L., Arthur, I.K. & Botchway, K. (2022). Promoting a geography of opportunity in Accra: Drawing lessons from the poverty deconcentration experience in the US. Journal of Urban Affairs. Special peer-reviewed issue: Creating mixed communities through housing policies: Global perspectives.

Khare, A.T & Joseph, M.L., (2019). Prioritizing Inclusion and Equity in the Next Generation of Mixed-Income Communities. Shelterforce. Summer 2019.

Joseph, M.L. & Yoon, M. (2019). Mixed-Income Development. Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies. West Sussex UK: John Wiley & Sons Press.

White, B.P., Blatz, J., Joseph, M.L. (2019). Elevating Community Authority in Collective Impact. Stanford Social Innovation Review. Winter 2019.

Joseph, M.L. Chaskin, R.J., Khare, A.T, & Kim, J.E. (2017). The organizational challenges of mixed-income development: privatizing public housing through cross-sector collaboration. Urban Research and Practice. DOI: 10.1080/17535069.2017.1387812.

Joseph, M.L., Garshick Kleit, R. Latham, N & LaFrance, S. (2016).  HOPE SF: San Francisco’s Inclusive Approach to Mixed-Income Public Housing Redevelopment. Shelterforce. Spring 2016.

Khare, A.T., Joseph, M.L. & Chaskin, R. J. (2014). The enduring significance of race in mixed-income developments. Urban Affairs Review, 50(4): DOI: 10.1177/1078087414537608

Joseph, M. L. (2013). Mixed-income symposium summary and response: Implications for antipoverty policy. Cityscape. 15(2),215-221.

McCormick, N., Joseph, M.L. & Chaskin, R.J. (2012). The new stigma of relocated public housing residents: Challenges to social identity in mixed-income developments. City and Community, 11(3), 285-308. On-line advance publication: DOI: 10.1177/1078087412450151

Chaskin, R. J., Khare, A.T. & Joseph, M.L. (2012). Participation, deliberation, and decision-making: The dynamics of inclusion and exclusion in mixed-income developments. Urban Affairs Review. 48(6), 863-906.  DOI: 10.1177/1078087412450151.

Chaskin, R. J. & Joseph, M. L. (2012). “Positive” gentrification, social inclusion, and the “right to the city” in mixed-income communities: Uses and expectations of space and place. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 37(2), 280-302.  DOI:10.1111/j.1468-2427.2012.01158.x

Joseph, M. L. & Chaskin, R. J. (2010). Living in a mixed-income development: Resident perceptions of the benefits and disadvantages of two developments in Chicago. Urban Studies, 47(11), 2347-2366. doi: 10.1177/0042098009357959

Joseph, M. L. (2010). Creating mixed-income developments in Chicago: Developer and service provider perspectives. Housing Policy Debate, 20(1), 91-118. doi: 10.1080/10511481003599894

Chaskin, R. J. & Joseph, M. L. (2010). Building “community” in mixed-income developments: Assumptions, approaches, and early experiences. Urban Affairs Review, 45(3), 299-335. doi: 10.1177/1078087409341544

Joseph, M. L. & Feldman, J. (2009). Creating and sustaining successful mixed-income communities: Conceptualizing the role of schools. Education and Urban Society, 41(6), 623-652. doi: 10.1177/0013124508329833

Joseph, M. L. (2008). Early resident experiences at a new mixed-income development in Chicago. Journal of Urban Affairs, 30(3), 229-257.

Joseph, M. L., Chaskin, R. J., & Webber, H. S. (2007). The theoretical basis for addressing poverty through mixed-income development. Urban Affairs Review, 42(3), 369-409. doi: 10.1177/1078087406294043

Joseph, M. L. (2006). Is mixed-income development an antidote to urban poverty? Housing Policy Debate, 17(2), 209-234.